The Nectar Garden Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a monarch butterfly who lived in a garden full of milkweed plants. The monarch loved to drink their nectar and would often stop by the plants to say hello. One day, a new customer came to the garden looking for a place to build their shelter. The monarch offered to help and together they started digging into the soil to plant the sprout. But, just as they were about to start planting, the monarch realized that the soil was too dry. "Don't worry," said the customer, "I have a secret to make the soil perfect for your plants." The monarch was curious and asked what the secret was. The customer whispered, "Just add a drop of milk to the soil!" The monarch was skeptical but followed the advice anyway. To their surprise, the sprout grew into a tall and strong plant in no time! From then on, the monarch and the customer became the best of friends, helping each other and enjoying the sweet nectar from their thriving garden.


  1. What did the customer say was the secret to make the soil perfect for the plants?
  2. Why did the monarch become friends with the customer?
  3. What is the name of the garden where the monarch and the customer lived?
  4. What was the name of the butterfly in the story?
  5. What was the result of adding a drop of milk to the soil?

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