The Adventures of Tom and Jerry: The Super Senses Duo

Once upon a time, there were two best friends named Tom and Jerry. They always wondered how they could have superpowers like superheroes. One day, they stumbled upon a magic potion that promised to give them each a special sense. They eagerly drank it up and soon realized they had gotten more than they bargained for.
Tom now had the sense of smell so strong that he could smell things from miles away. But, every time he took a sniff, he would make a face because everything smelled bitter!
Jerry on the other hand, had super hearing and could hear the faintest of sounds. The problem was that with his new power, he could hear all the unpleasant sounds too.
Our two friends were in a pickle, but they didn't give up. They found a way to use their new senses for good. Tom used his smell to find lost pets and help people in need. Jerry used his hearing to stop criminals in their tracks.
From then on, they were known as the "Super Senses Duo" and they lived happily ever after, using their powers for good and having the time of their lives. The end.


  1. How did Tom and Jerry feel about their new senses at first?
  2. What kind of adventures did they have with their new super powers?
  3. How did they use their senses to help others?
  4. What did Tom's sense of smell tell him about the things he smelled?
  5. How did Jerry use his hearing to stop criminals?

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