Tom and Jerry's Topping Tastebud Tussle in Italy

Once upon a time, in Italy, there were two best friends named Tom and Jerry. They loved to eat pizza and always had a competition to see who could come up with the most creative toppings. One day, they decided to make their own pizzas and try each other's creations.
Tom made a pizza with all sorts of strange toppings like jelly beans, gummy worms and even ice cream! Jerry's pizza was more traditional, with cheese, tomato sauce, and ham.
When they finally sat down to eat, they took a bite of each other's pizzas and made funny faces. They realized that even though they had completely different tastes, they both had made delicious pizzas. And so, they spent the rest of the evening laughing and eating more pizza, grateful for their friendship and love of cheese.


  1. How did Tom and Jerry feel about each other's pizzas?
  2. What were the toppings that Tom put on his pizza?
  3. Why do you think Tom and Jerry decided to make their own pizzas?
  4. What did they learn from trying each other's pizzas?
  5. Can you come up with some creative pizza toppings of your own?

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