The Traffic Protectors

Once upon a time, there was a group of friends who wanted to protect their town from crime. So, they decided to form a team and wear special uniforms. They had many adventures as they patrolled the streets and trains, making sure everyone was safe. But one day, they noticed that the traffic was getting worse and worse. They knew they had to do something about it! So, they put on their uniforms and got to work directing traffic. They did such a good job, that soon they became known as the "Traffic Protectors." And from that day on, they were always there to help keep the roads safe. The end.


  • Why was it important for the friends to form a team and wear special uniforms?
  • How did they help keep the roads safe?
  • What made them become known as the "Traffic Protectors"?
  • Can you think of any other ways they could have protected their town from crime?

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