The Beaked Band's Musical Adventure

A bearded barbet, a hummingbird, and a pelican were walking along the shore one day. The bearded barbet noticed that the hummingbird had a very long beak and asked, "Why do you have such a long beak?" The hummingbird replied, "I use it to drink nectar from flowers." The pelican then chimed in, "I use my beak to catch fish." The bearded barbet thought for a moment and said, "I use my beak to climb trees and crack open nuts."

Just then, a crossbill flew by with a very loud voice, "Hey! What about me? I have a beak that's so long, I can use it to pry open pine cones!"

Suddenly, a hornbill swooped down and said, "Ha! That's nothing! I have a beak so long, I can use it as a trumpet!"

The group laughed and continued on their walk, each boasting about their unique beaks and the special things they could do with them. From that day on, they were known as the 'Beaked Band' and would often play music together with their beaks.


  • What is special about each bird's beak?
  • How did the birds use their beaks in the story?
  • Why did the birds form a musical band?
  • Who had the longest beak in the story and what could they do with it?
  • What did the other birds think of their abilities compared to the hornbill?

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