The Castle Builders and the Generous Neighbors

Once upon a time, there was a group of friends who wanted to build a big castle in the city. They asked the city hall for a permit, but they were told they needed to donate a lot of money. The friends didn't have that much money, so they decided to ask their neighbors for help.

One day, they went door-to-door asking for donations. One neighbor said they had a lot of old toys they didn't want anymore and would be happy to donate them. Another neighbor said they had a lot of spare wood, and offered to give it to the friends to build their castle.

Finally, the friends had enough materials to build their dream castle. They worked all day and night, and finally it was done! When they showed it to the city hall, they were surprised to see how beautiful it was. The city hall officials said, "This is the best castle we've ever seen! We're going to put it in the city park for everyone to enjoy. And we'll even give you all a special permit to build anything you want from now on!"

The friends were over the moon with happiness! They went back to their neighborhood and told everyone about their success. From that day forward, they continued to build all sorts of amazing things and everyone in the city was happy. The end.


  1. What did the friends need to build their castle?
  2. How did they get the materials to build it?
  3. What was the city hall's reaction to the castle?
  4. What happened to the friends after they built the castle?
  5. What does the story teach us about helping others and working together?

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