The Tickle Diaper Adventure

Once upon a time, there were three silly babies who loved to tickle each other with feathers. One day, they found themselves without feathers and decided to use their diapers instead. To their surprise, the diapers were much more ticklish! They laughed and giggled until they were tired. But then, one of them said "yuck, these diapers smell bad!" They all agreed and decided to change them. Well, they had never changed a diaper before and didn't know how. They tried and tried but couldn't get it right. So, they went to ask their mother for help. She showed them how to do it and they finally succeeded. From then on, they always made sure to change their own diapers and every time they did, they remembered the funny time they tried to do it by themselves and laughed at the silly memory. The end.


  1. Why did the babies use their diapers to tickle each other?
  2. What happened when they tried to change their own diapers?
  3. Why did they go to ask their mother for help?
  4. How did they feel after they succeeded in changing their own diapers?
  5. Do you think the babies will remember this adventure forever? Why or why not?

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