The Magic of the Under Table

Once upon a time, there was a truck driver named Tim. Tim loved to drive his truck into the woods to collect wood for his furniture business. One day, while driving through the woods, Tim came across a strange stone under a tree. He picked it up and saw that these words were written on it: "Turn this stone over once a year."

Intrigued, Tim put the stone under his truck seat and drove back to his workshop. Every year, on the same day, he would turn the stone over as directed. Nothing seemed to happen.

One day, as Tim was working at his table, he heard a strange noise. It was coming from under the table. When he looked, he saw that the stone had turned into a tiny door! Tim was amazed and decided to see what was inside.

He found a world filled with talking animals and magical creatures. Tim didn't believe his eyes, but the creatures welcomed him and showed him all the wonders of their world. Tim had the time of his life, playing and laughing with the creatures, and he never forgot his first adventure in the magical world under the table.


  1. What did Tim find under the table?
  2. What were the creatures like in the magical world?
  3. How did Tim feel when he was in the magical world?
  4. Why do you think Tim was instructed to turn the stone over once a year?
  5. If you found a strange stone with writing on it, what would you do?

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