The Adventure of Medium-Hot Porridge

Once upon a time, there was a young boy named Timmy. He lived in a small village and was known for his love of medium-hot porridge. One day, while he was having his breakfast, he heard a knock on the door.

Timmy got up to answer it and was surprised to find that it was a magical fairy who needed his help. The fairy asked him to return a stolen item to its rightful owner. Timmy agreed and set out on an adventure.

Along the way, he met a dragon who loved porridge as much as Timmy did. The dragon asked Timmy what he had in his bowl, and Timmy replied, "It's medium-hot porridge."

The dragon was so impressed with Timmy's answer that he decided to help him on his quest. They traveled together and finally found the thief. After a brief struggle, Timmy returned the stolen item and the fairy was very grateful.

As a reward, the fairy offered to grant Timmy three wishes. Timmy thought for a moment and then said, "I wish for unlimited medium-hot porridge for the rest of my life!"

And so, Timmy lived happily ever after, enjoying his favorite food and never having to worry about running out. The end.


  • What was Timmy's favorite food?
  • Who did Timmy meet on his adventure?
  • Why did the dragon decide to help Timmy?
  • What did Timmy wish for as a reward?
  • What does the story teach us about helping others?

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