The Floating Island Adventure

Once upon a time in a pond, there lived many creatures: a beaver, a turtle, a bullfrog, and a heron. One sunny day, the beaver decided to build a floating island made of lily pads for all the creatures to enjoy. The turtle, being a wise reptile, warned the beaver that the island won't stay afloat forever. Undeterred, the beaver continued building.

One day, the island started to sink, and all the creatures were panicking. Suddenly, the bullfrog had an idea. He suggested they ask the water strider for help. The water strider agreed and used his long legs to balance the island.

During the night, the tadpoles discovered that the island was infested with springtails, tiny insects that were eating the lily pads. The heron, being a hunter, offered to catch the insects and save the island. With the heron's help, the island was saved, and the creatures lived happily ever after.

The end.


  1. What did the beaver build in the story?
  2. Who warned the beaver about the island sinking?
  3. Who helped the island stay afloat?
  4. What was eating the lily pads on the island?
  5. Who saved the island from the insects?

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