Tom the Gobbling Pilgrim Turkey

Once upon a time in the Wild West, there was a turkey named Tom who loved to gobble and strut his feathers. One day, while on a walk, Tom stumbled upon some tracks that led him to a group of Pilgrims. The Pilgrims were so surprised to see a wild turkey talking and walking like a human that they invited Tom to join them for dinner. Tom agreed and had a feast with them, gobbling and strutting his feathers all night long. From that day on, Tom became famous as the Wild West's dancing turkey and every Thanksgiving, the Pilgrims would invite him to their dinner to show everyone his moves. The end.


  1. What was Tom the turkey's special talent?
  2. Why were the Pilgrims surprised to see Tom?
  3. What did Tom and the Pilgrims do at dinner?
  4. What happened after the dinner with the Pilgrims?
  5. Why do you think the Pilgrims invited Tom to their dinner?

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