The Pharaoh's Underwater Adventure

Once upon a time, in a vast desert, there was a magnificent pyramid. The pharaoh who built it was buried inside with all his riches.
Years went by and the pyramid became a museum for tourists to visit. But one day, something strange happened. The delta river started flowing into the desert, and the water reached the pyramid!
The tourists were amazed to see the pharaoh's tomb being filled with water. Suddenly, the door of the tomb opened, and out came the pharaoh, now a skeleton, wearing a snorkel and flippers.
The skeleton pharaoh said, "I've been stuck in this tomb for too long, it's time to explore the world!" And with that, he swam off into the delta.
The tourists laughed and cheered as they watched the adventurous pharaoh explore the world. From that day on, the pyramid became known as the "Adventurous Pharaoh Museum".
The end.


  1. Why did the delta river start to flow into the desert?
  2. How did the tourists feel when they saw the pharaoh's tomb being filled with water?
  3. What did the skeleton pharaoh say when he came out of the tomb?
  4. What adventure did the skeleton pharaoh go on?
  5. What happened to the pyramid after the pharaoh's adventure?

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