Once upon a time, there was a group of creatures who lived in a magical forest. They were always curious and loved to explore. One day, they came across a strange creature that they had never seen before. They asked the creature what it was and where it came from. The creature replied, "Suppose I'm a unicorn!" The creatures were surprised and asked the creature to explain why it thought it was a unicorn. The creature replied, "Because I have a horn on my head!" The creatures were excited and asked the creature to show them its horn. But when they looked closer, they realized that the creature's horn was actually just a stick! The creature quickly made an excuse and said, "Oh, I must have picked it up by mistake." The creatures laughed and from that day on, they called the creature Stickhorn. From that moment on, Stickhorn was always included in their adventures, and the creatures never forgot their funny friend.
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