Oma and Opa's Magic Picnic Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a magical Oma who lived in a village surrounded by beautiful meadows. One day, Oma decided to surprise her grandchildren with a picnic. The weather was perfect, sunny with a gentle breeze.

As everyone settled for a picnic, Oma started to murmur some magic words, and suddenly, a swirl of sparkles appeared in the air. The sparkles transformed into cupcakes with different toppings, some had sprinkles while others had chocolate chips. The kids were amazed and couldn't believe their eyes.

Just then, Oma's husband Opa appeared, floating in the air on a cloud. He said he had something special for them and asked them to close their eyes and make a wish. When they opened their eyes, they saw that their wish had come true. The cupcakes had turned into magic ones, and with every bite, they felt like they could fly.

The kids laughed and danced in the breeze, feeling lighter and happier with each passing moment. They had the best picnic ever, and it was all thanks to Oma and Opa's magic. The end.


  1. What did Oma murmur to make the cupcakes appear?
  2. How did Opa make the kids' wishes come true?
  3. What made the kids feel lighter and happier with each bite of the cupcake?
  4. Why was it the best picnic ever for the kids?
  5. Can you think of a wish you would have made if you were there at the picnic?

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