The Kangaroo and Caribou's World Tour Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a kangaroo from Australia who dreamed of traveling the world. So, she packed her hop-sack and set off on an adventure.

Along the way, she met a caribou from Canada and they became fast friends. They decided to explore South Korea together and were amazed by all the bright lights and bustling city life. But they soon realized they missed the quiet beauty of the wilderness.

So, they journeyed to Russia to visit the Inuit people and learn about their unique way of life. The kangaroo and caribou were fascinated by the Inuit's skills in hunting and fishing, and they even taught them some hopping and antler tricks.

Years later, the kangaroo and caribou looked back at their travels with fond memories and big smiles. And they always remembered the lesson they learned: that no matter where you come from, there is joy and wonder to be found in new experiences and friends made along the way.

The end.


  1. Where did the kangaroo and caribou first meet?
  2. What was the kangaroo's dream?
  3. How did the kangaroo and caribou feel about living in South Korea?
  4. What did the kangaroo and caribou learn from the Inuit people?
  5. What was the lesson they learned at the end of their adventure?

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