Pete the Pilot: A Tethering Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a pilot named Pete who loved to fly his plane. One day, while flying over the beautiful scenery, Pete's plane suddenly ran out of fuel. But Pete wasn't worried, he had a secret plan. He grabbed his trusty nylon rope and tied it to the steering wheel. Then, he climbed out on the wing and used a burner from his kitchen to heat up the end of the rope. The nylon rope got so hot that it burned through the satellite floating overhead and Pete was able to steer his plane using the satellite as a tether. And just in the nick of time, they landed safely with plenty of oxygen to spare. The end.


  1. What did Pete use to steer the plane when it ran out of fuel?
  2. How does Pete get the nylon rope to steer the plane?
  3. Why do you think Pete wasn't worried about the plane running out of fuel?
  4. Can you think of other creative ways Pete could have solved the problem of running out of fuel?
  5. Why did Pete use the satellite to steer the plane?

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