Tomo the Brave: A Shogun Empire Adventure in a Volcano Skyscraper

Once upon a time, in a far-off shogun empire, there lived a brave samurai named Tomo. Tomo had never seen a skyscraper before, but he heard they were very tall buildings that reached up to the sky. One day, Tomo was on a mission to explore a nearby volcano. As he approached the volcano, he felt the ground shake beneath him. It was an earthquake! Tomo stumbled and fell into the volcano. To his surprise, he found himself inside a giant skyscraper! The building was shaking and creaking from the earthquake, and Tomo knew he had to find a way out before it collapsed. He quickly ran up the stairs, dodging falling debris, until he finally made it to the top. From the roof, Tomo could see the entire shogun empire stretching out before him. And just when he thought he was safe, the volcano erupted, sending a shower of ash and rocks raining down on the skyscraper. But Tomo was a brave samurai, and he wasn't afraid. He drew his sword and rode the ash cloud like a surfboard, all the way back to the shogun's palace. From that day on, Tomo was known as the bravest samurai in all the empire, and the kids loved to hear his story of the adventure in the volcano skyscraper.


  1. What is the name of the samurai in the story?
  2. What was Tomo's mission when he first encountered the volcano?
  3. How did Tomo get inside the skyscraper in the volcano?
  4. What happened to the skyscraper during the earthquake?
  5. How did Tomo escape the collapsing skyscraper?
  6. What was Tomo's reward for his bravery?

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