The Crime-Fighting Water Bottles

Once upon a time, there was a small town that had a training academy for future crime fighters. The students had to wear uniform and learn how to use weapons to enforce the law. One day, a situation arose where a criminal injured someone and stole property near a waterway. The students who were on training decided to take action. They chased the criminal down the waterway and eventually caught him. But when they tried to arrest him, they realized they had forgotten their weapons back at the academy. So they used their water bottles as pretend guns and shouted "Freeze! You're under arrest!" The criminal couldn't stop laughing and surrendered without any resistance. The students became heroes and learned that sometimes, you don't need weapons, just a little creativity can solve any situation.


  1. Why did the trainee crimefighters use their water bottles as pretend guns?
  2. What did the students learn from this situation?
  3. How did the criminal react when he saw the trainee crimefighters with water bottles?
  4. What would have happened if the students had their weapons with them?
  5. Can you think of another creative solution to solve a similar situation?

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