Captain Paddle and His Adventure with Oars, Propeller and Sail

Once upon a time, there was an explorer named Captain Paddle who lived in a village near the sea. He loved to sail and explore the world with his ship. One day, while he was on a journey, his engine broke down and he had no way to move forward.

Suddenly, he remembered that he had a pole and oars in his ship. He quickly attached the oars to the frame of the ship and started paddling. But the wind wasn’t in his favor and he wasn’t making much progress. So, he decided to use his propeller. He attached the propeller to the frame of the ship and started the engine. To his surprise, the propeller spun and the ship started moving forward!

Captain Paddle was very happy and continued his journey. But soon, he realized that he had forgotten the goods he was carrying on board. So, he decided to use his sail to help him reach his destination faster. He attached the sail to the ship and continued his journey.

Finally, he reached his destination and delivered the goods. The people were so happy with his quick delivery that they gave him a medal for being the fastest explorer in the world. From that day on, Captain Paddle always used his pole, oars, propeller, and sail to explore the world and deliver goods to different countries.


  1. What did Captain Paddle do when his engine broke down?
  2. How did Captain Paddle use his propeller to move forward?
  3. Why did Captain Paddle use his sail?
  4. What happened when Captain Paddle reached his destination?
  5. What does the story teach us about using different tools to solve problems?

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