Wally the Wheel's Fly-tastic Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a little wheel named Wally who lived on a distant planet. Wally loved exploring and one day, he decided to build a plane to fly to new places. He gathered all the materials he needed including a pulley, lever and an axle. With his trusty tools in hand, Wally got to work.

As he was building, Wally realized that his plane was too heavy to fly. He decided to use his pulley to lift it off the ground. To make it move, Wally used the lever to push and pull the plane. Suddenly, the plane started to take off! Wally was so excited that he forgot to steer the plane. It flew off into the unknown distance.

Wally was scared, but then he remembered the axle he had installed in the plane. He used it to turn the wheel and steer the plane back to his home planet. When he arrived, all the other wheels were amazed at Wally's daring adventure. From that day on, Wally was known as the smartest and bravest wheel in the whole galaxy. The end.


  1. How did Wally lift his plane off the ground?
  2. How did Wally steer the plane back to his home planet?
  3. What made Wally the smartest and bravest wheel in the galaxy?
  4. What would you have done if you were in Wally's place?
  5. Why was Wally exploring new places important to him?

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