The Canoe Trip Adventure of the Stepsisters

Once upon a time, there was a stepsister named Sarah who went on a canoe vacation with her family. They packed everything they needed including a life jacket for each person. When they got to the lake, Sarah suggested they go for a paddle. Her sibling argued that they should stay at the cabin because of the gusty wind. Sarah wouldn't give up and repeated her suggestion. Eventually, they got into the canoe and started paddling. Suddenly, a big gust came through and turned the canoe over! The siblings splashed and swam back to shore, laughing and giggling. From then on, they agreed to always listen to each other's suggestions and never argue while on a canoe trip again.


-What did Sarah suggest at the beginning of the story?
-Why did the sibling argue with Sarah's suggestion?
-What happened after the canoe was turned over by the gust of wind?
-What did the stepsisters agree to do on their next canoe trip together?

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