The Pestle and the Wise Old Man

Once upon a time, in a far-off land, there lived a wise old man named Sinew. He lived in a small village called Wetu, where everyone knew him for his wise words and strong arms. Sinew was a master at using a pestle, which he used to grind grains into flour for the village's bread.

One day, a new baby was born in Wetu and the parents asked Sinew to christen the baby with a special name. Sinew thought long and hard about the perfect name, and finally, he had an idea. He suggested the name "Pestle", in honor of the tool that had helped the village for so many years.

The parents loved the name and the baby was officially named Pestle. As he grew up, Pestle proved to be just as strong and wise as Sinew, and the two became the best of friends. They spent many days together, with Sinew teaching Pestle how to use the pestle just like he had.

Pestle grew up to be a respected member of the village, and he used his skills with the pestle to grind flour for the village's bread, just like Sinew had done before him. The villagers were happy and well-fed, and they all knew that the pestle was a tool of great importance in their village.

And so, Pestle's name became a reminder of the wise old man Sinew, who had taught him the importance of hard work and kindness. And the village of Wetu lived happily ever after.


  1. Who was Sinew and what was his role in the village of Wetu?
  2. Why was the baby named Pestle?
  3. How did Sinew and Pestle become friends?
  4. What did Pestle do to contribute to the village as he grew up?
  5. Why was the pestle considered a tool of great importance in the village of Wetu?

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