The Super Construction Squad: A Tale of Machine Ingenuity

Once upon a time, there was a small island that needed to build a new playground. A big container ship came to the island with all sorts of construction machines, including a bulldozer, tractor, barge, crane and flatbed truck. The machines were so excited to start building.

The crane lifted big blocks of concrete and placed them where the bulldozer could push them into place. The tractor dug up dirt to make room for the playground. The flatbed truck transported the cargo, including swings and slides, to the site.

Just when they thought everything was going smoothly, a problem arose. The helicopter that was supposed to deliver the last load of cargo got lost! The machines didn’t know what to do. They had worked so hard, but the playground wouldn’t be complete without the final shipment.

Then, a passenger on the container ship had an idea. She suggested that the machines team up and create their own helicopter out of the parts they had on hand. And that’s exactly what they did! The bulldozer became the body, the crane became the rotors, and the flatbed truck became the wheels.

The homemade helicopter took off and successfully delivered the last load of cargo. The islanders cheered as the machines finished building the playground. And from that day on, the machines were known as the "Super Construction Squad".


  1. What was the problem in the story and how did the machines solve it?
  2. Can you name all the machines in the story?
  3. How did each machine help build the playground?
  4. Why was the passenger on the container ship important to the story?
  5. If you were one of the machines, which one would you want to be and why?

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