Jack's Fanciful Doublet

Once upon a time, in a small village called Nasump, there lived a young boy named Jack. Jack loved nothing more than to go fowling in the woods with his trusty musket. He would often bring back quahogs and pompions to his family, who would cook them on the hearth for dinner.

One day, while out fowling, Jack stumbled upon a mysterious doublet lying on the ground. It was made of the finest finery he had ever seen. Excited by his find, Jack brought the doublet back to his village to show everyone.

But the villagers were not impressed. They scoffed at the doublet and told Jack that it was just a silly piece of clothing and that he should stick to hunting quahogs and pompions.

Feeling embarrassed and dejected, Jack returned to the woods, determined to prove the villagers wrong. He practiced his fowling skills every day, and soon became the best fowler in the village.

One day, a group of wealthy merchants came to Nasump looking for a guide to take them fowling in the woods. The villagers, impressed by Jack's skills, recommended him for the job.

Jack, now dressed in his fancy doublet, led the merchants on a successful fowling trip and they were so impressed with his skills that they offered to buy the doublet from him for a large sum of money.

Overjoyed, Jack returned to Nasump with the money and showed it to the villagers. They were amazed and apologized for their earlier skepticism. From that day on, the doublet became a symbol of Jack's success and the villagers proudly displayed it in the town square.

And Jack, happy and fulfilled, continued to go fowling in the woods and bring back quahogs and pompions to his family to cook on the hearth for dinner.

The end.


  1. What did Jack love to do in the village of Nasump?
  2. How did the villagers react when Jack showed them the doublet he found in the woods?
  3. What did Jack do to prove the villagers wrong about the doublet?
  4. How did the merchants react to Jack's fowling skills and what happened to the doublet after the trip?

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