The Misadventures of Diabeter Dan: Clearing the Contagion Confusion!

Once upon a time, there was a Diabeter named Dan. He had Type 1 diabetes and needed to check his blood sugar levels and take insulin every day. One day, he heard that diabetes was contagious! He was worried that if he hugged his friends, they would catch it.
So, he went to see a doctor who explained to him that diabetes is not contagious, but rather caused by the amount of glucose in the blood not being regulated properly. The doctor also explained that eating too many carbohydrates can cause high blood sugar levels.
Feeling relieved, Dan went back to hugging his friends and enjoying life as usual, always checking his blood sugar levels and taking his insulin. The end.


  1. Why did Dan think that diabetes was contagious?
  2. How does Dan regulate his blood sugar levels?
  3. What did the doctor explain to Dan about the cause of diabetes?
  4. What did Dan learn at the end of the story?
  5. Why is it important to monitor your blood sugar levels if you have diabetes?

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