Max and Mittens: A Tale of Teasing and Troubles

Once upon a time, there was a mischievous dog named Max. One day, Max found a balloon that had burst and he decided to tease his cat friend, Mittens. Max started to charge towards Mittens with the burst balloon, making a growling noise. Mittens got scared and yanked the curtains down trying to hide. But Max kept bothering Mittens, until finally Mittens had enough and sprayed Max with a water bottle. Max ran away and learned his lesson not to bother others. The end.


  1. Why did Max start teasing Mittens?
  2. How did Mittens react to Max's teasing?
  3. What lesson did Max learn by the end of the story?
  4. How might the story have ended differently if Mittens didn't spray Max with a water bottle?
  5. What could Max have done instead of teasing Mittens?

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