The Polite Snake and the Hissy Cat

Once upon a time there was a polite snake named Hissy. Hissy loved to yank people's tails and make them jump, but he always did it in a polite way by saying "Excuse me". One day, Hissy was invited to a tea party as a guest. At the party, Hissy met a mean cat who was giving everyone a glare. The cat didn't like Hissy and kept hissing at him. Hissy tried to be polite and ignore the cat, but the cat kept getting closer and closer. Finally, the cat tried to squeeze Hissy, but Hissy actually had a surprise for the cat. Hissy let out a loud hiss, making the cat jump and run away! From that day on, Hissy was known as the bravest snake in town and everyone wanted to be his friend.


  1. Why was Hissy invited to the tea party?
  2. How did the cat treat Hissy at the party?
  3. What did Hissy do when the cat tried to squeeze him?
  4. Why did everyone want to be friends with Hissy after the party?
  5. What lesson did Hissy teach the cat?

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