The Animal Show: A Fun Accomplishment with a Petition and a Microphone

Once upon a time, there was a group of animals who wanted to accomplish something big. They went on a research mission to find out what they could do. They found out that they could use a microphone to share their ideas with others.

The leader of the group, a clever fox, thought of a plan. He said, "Let's have everyone sign a signature to show that we are all on board with this idea." So, the animals gathered around the microphone and signed their names to a big petition.

The next day, the animals held a big meeting to discuss their agenda. They talked about what they wanted to do and how they could make it happen. The majority of the animals agreed that they wanted to put on a show for all the other animals in the forest.

So, they worked hard to prepare for the show. On the day of the performance, the animals gathered in front of a large crowd. They sang, danced, and told jokes. Everyone had a great time, and the animals were very proud of what they had accomplished.

And that, my friends, is the story of how a group of animals used research, a microphone, signatures, and teamwork to accomplish something truly amazing.


  1. What did the animals want to accomplish?
  2. Why did they sign a petition?
  3. What was the majority of the animals' agreement about?
  4. How did the animals prepare for the show?
  5. How did the animals feel about what they accomplished?

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