The Great Navidad Drape Contest

Once upon a time, there was a family who lived in a small town. They loved to attend Navidad (Christmas) celebrations every year. One day, they decided to decorate their home with a giant drape that covered the entire house. However, one of their relatives disagreed with the decoration and wanted it taken down. The family couldn't agree on whether to keep the drape or not.

After much discussion, they finally came up with a solution. They would have a contest to see who could come up with the most creative way to decorate the drape. The winner would get to choose whether to keep the drape or take it down.

The next day, the family started decorating the drape with all sorts of fun and silly decorations. There were candy canes, gingerbread men, and even a giant Santa Claus made out of snow! In the end, the little brother won the contest with his idea to make the drape into a giant present, complete with a bow on top.

The family all agreed to keep the drape as a giant present and celebrated Christmas with joy and laughter. From that day on, they always remembered to have fun and be creative when it came to decorating for Navidad.


  1. What was the disagreement between the family and their relative about the drape?
  2. How did the family solve their disagreement?
  3. Who won the decoration contest and what was their idea for the drape?
  4. What lesson did the family learn from this experience?
  5. Can you think of any other creative decoration ideas for Navidad?

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