The Self-Powered Well: A Story of Energy and Determination

Once upon a time, there was an oil well that lived deep under the surface of the Earth. One day, a leak sprang in the well and all the oil started spilling out into the ocean. The oil spill was making a big mess and hurting all the sea creatures. The well was worried because he was running out of resources, and didn't know how he would get more oil.

Just then, a bright idea struck him! He decided to use his own energy to power a machine that could clean up the oil spill. So he started to spin around as fast as he could, generating electricity that powered the cleaning machine.

Soon, the ocean was clean again, and the well was happy. He learned that sometimes, the best resource you have is your own energy and determination!


  1. What was the problem in the story?
  2. How did the oil well solve the problem?
  3. What did the well learn from the experience?
  4. Why was determination important in this story?
  5. Can you think of a time when you used your own energy to solve a problem?

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