Once upon a time, in a mysterious forest, lived different species of animals who all relied on each other to survive. One day, a prey animal named Benny discovered that he couldn't find enough food in his habitat. He decided to venture out into the forest without his prey friends, except for his brave and loyal companion, a squirrel named Sammy. They stumbled upon a strange and unusual creature, unlike any species they’ve ever seen before. The creature offered to help them find food, but only if they agree to be its prey for the day. Benny and Sammy reluctantly agreed, not knowing what they were getting themselves into. To their surprise, the creature turned out to be a jester who loved to play pranks on animals in the forest. Benny and Sammy had so much fun with the jester that they didn't even realize they were being fed all along. From then on, Benny and Sammy made it a habit to visit the jester whenever they were hungry. And they lived happily ever after, relying on their new friend to provide them with food and laughter.
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