Prickles the Protector

Once there was a porcupine named Prickles who lived in a forest. Prickles had sharp prickles on his back to protect himself from predators. But, unlike other animals, Prickles was very friendly and loved to make new friends.

One day while taking a walk, Prickles came across a group of animals who were very sick. They told him that they had been poisoned by a thorn from a nearby bush. Prickles usually didn't worry about anything, but he knew he had to do something to help his friends.

So, he bravely went to the bush and found the source of the poison. It was a bush with thorns that contained a fluid that was toxic to all animals. Prickles knew he had to defend his friends and protect their spines from the poisonous fluid.

He thought for a moment and then had an idea! He rolled in the bush, covering himself in the thorns and the poisonous fluid. Then, he went back to the animals and offered them his back. The animals, not knowing about the poison, climbed on Prickles' back and were protected from the harmful fluid.

Prickles became the hero of the forest and all the animals were safe and healthy again. From that day on, Prickles was known as the protector of the forest and his sharp prickles were no longer just for self-defense, but also to defend and protect his friends.


  1. Why did Prickles roll in the bush with thorns?
  2. What did Prickles do to help his sick friends?
  3. How did Prickles become the hero of the forest?
  4. What is the main message of the story?
  5. Do you think Prickles would have done the same thing if he wasn't friendly?

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