Max the Storyteller: Bringing Life to Replicas

Once upon a time, there was a replica museum where all the monuments were exactly the same. One day, a little mouse named Max wanted to create a different story for each monument. He asked the cause of each statue and made up a hilarious story for each one. For example, he said that the statue of a famous chef was made because he cooked the best soup in the world and everyone loved it so much that they made a monument for him. Max's stories made everyone laugh and smile, and soon the replica museum became the most popular place in town. The end.


  • Why did Max want to create a different story for each monument?
  • How did Max's stories change the replica museum?
  • Can you think of other ways that Max could have made the replica museum more interesting?
  • Do you think it's important to have a sense of humor when visiting museums? Why or why not?

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