The Laughter Revolution: The Tale of the Instant Signal Language

Once upon a time, in a faraway kingdom, there lived a group of creatures who wanted to communicate faster and easier with each other. So, they decided to invent a new language that would allow them to send messages instantly. After months of hard work, they finally developed the perfect system! They called it the "Instant Signal Language" or ISL for short.

One day, a mischievous creature named Max discovered the new invention and found a way to send silly messages to all of his friends. He started sending messages like "The sky is green today" and "Pizza grows on trees". His friends were so confused and started to ask each other if they had received the same message.

Soon, the whole kingdom was filled with laughter as everyone started sending funny messages using the ISL. The creatures had never been so happy! They had developed something that not only made communication quicker but also brought joy to their lives.

So, the moral of the story is that sometimes, the silliest things can bring the most happiness. And that's what happened in the kingdom of ISL!


  1. What was the problem the creatures had before they developed the Instant Signal Language?
  2. Why did Max start sending silly messages using ISL?
  3. How did the creatures feel after they started using ISL for funny messages?
  4. What is the moral of the story?
  5. Can you think of a funny message you would send to your friends using ISL?

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