Porky's Refreshing Change: A Smelly Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a little pig named Porky. Porky loved rolling in mud, but the problem was that his mud was mixed with manure, making him smell really awful!
Despite all the baths he took, Porky couldn't get rid of the odor. He was always so unhappy because of it.
One day, Porky decided to change his habit and started taking showers every day. He felt refreshed and content with his new routine.
However, one day, when he was playing with his friends, he accidentally fell into a pile of manure again. But this time, instead of being upset, Porky laughed and said, "I guess old habits die hard!"
And from that day on, Porky never let his smell bring him down, because he knew that being clean and refreshed was much more important than his old habit of rolling in mud.


  1. Why did Porky smell so awful?
  2. How did Porky feel before he changed his habit?
  3. What did Porky do to become refreshed and content?
  4. How did Porky react when he fell into manure again?
  5. What lesson did Porky learn?

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