The Grizzly Bear's Rainbow Party

Once upon a time, there was a peer of animals who lived in the Arctic. One day, they were surprised to find an igloo in the middle of their home. They cautiously approached the igloo and to their delight, found a friendly grizzly bear inside. The bear grumbled about how cold and lonely it was, so the animals decided to throw a party for him! They shouted "Hooray!" and decorated the igloo with a rainbow of colors. Everyone was having a great time, except for one grumpy walrus who kept complaining about the noise. Just then, it started to rain and the walrus ran outside to hide under a rock. The bear offered him a chip, which made the walrus smile for the first time. From that day on, the walrus was no longer grumpy and the bear had many friends to keep him warm. The end.


  1. What made the grizzly bear in the igloo feel lonely?
  2. How did the animals surprise the grizzly bear?
  3. Why was the walrus grumpy?
  4. What changed the walrus' mood?
  5. What is the message of the story?

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