The Triceratops and the Lumberjack: An Adventure in the Glacier Land

Once upon a time, in a land covered in glaciers, there lived a lumberjack named Harry. One day while chopping down trees, Harry stumbled upon a strange creature unlike any he had ever seen before. It was a Theropod dinosaur, but not just any Theropod – it was a Triceratops! Harry couldn’t believe his eyes as he thought Triceratops were extinct.

The Triceratops followed Harry back to his cabin and became his new best friend. Harry named him “Tri” and they went on many adventures together. They built a fort out of lumber and even had races through the glaciers.

One day, Harry and Tri were exploring a new part of the forest when they came across a group of hunters who wanted to capture Tri and sell him to a museum. Harry and Tri worked together to outsmart the hunters and escape.

After their close call, Harry realized that Triceratops were not extinct after all and he had the privilege of being friends with one. From that day on, Harry made it his mission to protect all creatures, big and small, and make sure they were never in danger again.

The end.


  1. What was unusual about the creature Harry discovered in the forest?
  2. What did Harry and Tri build with the lumber?
  3. How did Harry and Tri outsmart the hunters?
  4. What did Harry realize about Triceratops at the end of the story?
  5. Would you like to go on an adventure like Harry and Tri's? Why or why not?

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