Luna and the Holiday Traditions

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Luna who loved holidays. She had friends from all over the world and every holiday season, they would exchange gifts and stories about their traditions. One December, Luna learned about Christmas, Hanukkah, and Chinese New Year all at once! She was so excited to learn about all the new traditions. On Christmas day, Luna and her friends set up a big tree and filled it with ornaments. They lit candles on a kinara to celebrate Kwanzaa and played with a dreidel on Hanukkah. They even made mkeka mats to decorate their homes. And to top it all off, they lit sparklers to celebrate the Chinese New Year. Luna felt grateful to have such diverse friends and to learn about so many different holiday traditions. From that day on, she made it a tradition to celebrate every holiday with her friends, always learning something new and having a blast.


  1. What is the name of the little girl in the story?
  2. What did Luna and her friends do on Christmas day?
  3. Can you name a few holidays that Luna and her friends celebrated?
  4. What did Luna learn about holiday traditions?
  5. How did Luna feel about celebrating different holidays with her friends?

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