The Giant's Healing Trade

Once upon a time, there was a giant who lived at the top of a giant beanstalk. He always grumbled about how lonely he was up there. One day, he saw a small wagonload of goods passing by and decided to trade with the people below. But when he tried to climb down the beanstalk, he fell and hurt himself. The people below took him in and helped heal him. They also discovered that he had a magical ax that could cure any illness. So, they traded the ax for food and other goods from the market. From that day on, the giant and the people below became friends and traded regularly. And the giant never grumbled about loneliness again!


  1. Why did the giant live at the top of the beanstalk?
  2. What happened when the giant tried to climb down the beanstalk?
  3. How did the people below help the giant?
  4. What did they trade with the giant in return for his help?
  5. Why did the giant stop grumbling about loneliness?

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