Sarah the Abolitionist: A Story of Courage and Freedom

Once upon a time, there was a brave young girl named Sarah. She lived in a land where some people believed that it was right to own other people as slaves. But Sarah knew that this was wrong, and she wanted to help free the slaves.

So Sarah became an abolitionist. An abolitionist is someone who works to end slavery. Sarah started a campaign to convince people to join her cause. She talked to her friends and family, and even gave speeches in her community.

One day, Sarah met a fugitive slave named Jack. He had escaped from his cruel master and was running away to freedom. Sarah knew she had to help him. She gave him food and a place to stay, and then helped him find a way to escape to the North where slavery was illegal.

Meanwhile, some of the Southern states decided to secede from the United States. They formed a new country called the Confederate States of America and they believed in slavery. But Sarah and other abolitionists knew that this was not right and they fought to end slavery in the Confederate states too.

Finally, the President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln, issued the Emancipation Proclamation. This was a special order that declared all slaves in the Confederate states to be free. And the U.S. Congress passed the 13th Amendment to the Constitution, which made slavery illegal in the entire United States.

Sarah was thrilled. She had worked hard for this moment and it had finally come. She felt proud to be a representative of the abolitionist movement and to have helped make a difference in the lives of so many people.

The end.


  1. What inspired Sarah to become an abolitionist?
  2. What was the Emancipation Proclamation and what did it do?
  3. Why did some people believe in slavery?
  4. How did Sarah help Jack, the fugitive slave?

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