The Musical Journey of Tweety: A Sensitive Songbird

Once upon a time, there was a musical bird named Tweety who lived in a pleasant forest. One day, Tweety wanted to communicate with all the other birds in the forest but he had a problem. His pitch was always too high and it made the other birds sensitive to his singing.

One night, while Tweety was sleeping, a fairy came and granted him a special wish. She said, "May your vocal cords pluck the perfect sound waves and may your voice vibrate with the right volume."

The next morning, when Tweety started singing, all the other birds were amazed. They could hear the perfect pitch and volume in his voice. Tweety became the king of the forest and all the birds would gather around to listen to him sing. The end.


  1. Why did the other birds have trouble listening to Tweety's singing?
  2. What was the special wish granted to Tweety by the fairy?
  3. How did the other birds react after Tweety's singing improved?
  4. What was Tweety's new title in the forest?
  5. Can you think of a different wish the fairy could have granted Tweety instead?

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