The Constitution of Fun: A Tale of Friendship and Laughter

Once there was a group of friends who loved to argue about everything. One day, they decided to make a document that would solve all their disagreements once and for all. They called it the "Constitution of Fun".

They discussed and wrote down the rules for how they should play, what was allowed and what wasn't. The next day, they gathered to vote on the constitution. But, to their surprise, every time they tried to vote, they started arguing about the rules!

The friends were getting more and more miserable, until one of them suggested they take a break and play a game. After playing and laughing together, they realized that having fun was more important than winning an argument.

So, they tore up the constitution and agreed to always put having a good time first. And from that day forward, they never argued again and had lots of fun together.


  1. What did the friends write in the "Constitution of Fun"?
  2. Why did the friends start to argue when they tried to vote on the constitution?
  3. What helped the friends realize that having fun was more important than winning an argument?
  4. What happened to the "Constitution of Fun" in the end?
  5. How can we apply the lesson from this story to our own lives and relationships with others?

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