Blaze the Fire-Breathing Locomotive: The Hero of the Civil War

Once upon a time, there was a fire-breathing locomotive named Blaze. Blaze was tired of being a slave to the railroad and decided to hire himself out as a drill bit.

One day, Blaze was hired to dig a tunnel through a mountain during the Civil War. As Blaze drilled, he breathed fire and made the mountain shake with laughter. The soldiers on both sides stopped fighting and gathered around to watch Blaze's antics.

In the end, Blaze became a hero of the war and was awarded a medal for his bravery. From then on, he traveled the country making people laugh and spreading joy wherever he went.

The end.


  1. Why did Blaze the locomotive want to hire himself out as a drill bit?
  2. How did Blaze make the mountain shake with laughter during the Civil War?
  3. How did Blaze become a hero of the war?
  4. What did Blaze do after he became a hero?

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