Rusty's Opposite Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a little robot named Rusty. One day, while on his daily scan mission, Rusty hesitated to cross the road because he saw a big truck coming. Suddenly, an accident happened and the truck crashed into a store that sold opposite things. The store owner started to panic and complain about the damage. But when Rusty went in to help, he found out that everything in the store was completely weird and confusing! Every time he tried to compliment the owner on an item, it turned out to be its opposite. In the end, Rusty had a good laugh and learned that sometimes, things aren't always as they seem.


  1. What do you think Rusty was surprised to find in the store?
  2. Why did the store owner panic?
  3. What did Rusty learn from his adventure in the store?
  4. Have you ever encountered something that turned out to be opposite of what you expected?

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