The Antique Car's Indigo Linen Upgrade

Once upon a time, there was a custom-made antique car that loved to race. But one day, it was banned from all races because the officials said its rivets were too loose. The car was feeling down and didn't know what to do.

One day, while driving down the road, the car saw a bolt of indigo linen fabric flying in the wind. It followed the bolt until it landed on a diagonal line across the road. The car decided to use the linen to fix its rivets and get back into racing.

At the next race, the car surprised everyone by showing up with its new custom look, made from the indigo linen. The other cars couldn't believe their eyes and thought the antique car looked so cool and casual.

In the end, the antique car won the race and became the fastest car on the ore. From then on, every car wanted to copy its custom look, but they just couldn't match its style and speed.

The End.


  • What was the problem with the antique car in the beginning of the story?
  • How did the antique car fix its problem?
  • What did the other cars think of the antique car's new look?
  • Why did the antique car win the race?

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