Little Torch's Adventure in the Land of Copper

Once upon a time, there was a Little Torch who lived in a land of Copper. One day, Little Torch wanted to be an Engineer just like his dad. So, he decided to build a Tablet that would help him explore the world and learn new things.

He worked hard, day and night, until finally, his Tablet was ready! Little Torch was so proud of his creation that he decided to share it with everyone in the land of Copper. He traveled from town to town, showing off his Tablet to all the children and adults.

One day, Little Torch came across a group of people who were celebrating Independence Day. They were celebrating their freedom and liberty, and Little Torch was amazed at how happy they all were. He asked them why they were so happy, and they told him that they were celebrating their independence from a mean old king who had once ruled over their land.

Little Torch was inspired by their courage and bravery, and he decided that he too wanted to celebrate his freedom and independence. So, he turned his Tablet into a Modle of Liberty and Freedom, and he showed it to everyone in the land of Copper.

The people were amazed by Little Torch's creativity and bravery, and they all cheered for him. And from that day on, Little Torch was known as the bravest and most creative Engineer in all the land of Copper. The end.


  1. What inspired Little Torch to build his tablet?
  2. How did Little Torch's tablet become a symbol of freedom and liberty?
  3. Why was Little Torch considered the bravest and most creative engineer in the land of Copper?
  4. How does Little Torch's story inspire you to be creative and brave in your own life?
  5. What would you do if you had the chance to celebrate your freedom and independence like Little Torch did?

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