Ratty the Brave: Saving the Den from an Arch-Enemy

Once upon a time, there was a rodent named Ratty who lived in his burrow in the forest. Ratty had a family member who got rabies and started acting crazy, causing everyone to be on high alert and issue a warning about the infected relative.
One day, while Ratty was out foraging for food, he encountered a strange mammal with a strong musk odor. The mammal was an enemy of Ratty's den. It tried to attack Ratty, but Ratty was quick and used his wits to escape by running under an arch.
Ratty warned his den about the dangerous mammal, and they all worked together to fortify their den and protect themselves from their new enemy. From then on, Ratty was known as the hero of the den for saving them from the dangerous mammal. And they all lived happily ever after.


  • What was Ratty's relative suffering from?
  • How did Ratty save his den from the dangerous mammal?
  • What did Ratty do to warn his den about the enemy?
  • Why was Ratty considered a hero by his den?
  • What happened to the relative who had rabies?

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