The Adventures of the Inventor and the Diplomat: The Quest for the Magic Bridle

Once upon a time, there was an inventor named Benny who lived in a small village. Benny loved to create new instruments and was known as the best inventor in the village. One day, Benny heard a legend about a magical bridle that could control the temperature of the environment. He decided to invent this bridle and set out on a journey to find it.

Along the way, he met a diplomat who was also searching for the bridle. Together, they traveled to the end of the world and finally found the bridle. However, when they tried to use it, they got a shock because the bridle was protected by a powerful spell.

Benny and the diplomat were not deterred, and they worked together to break the spell. After many attempts, they finally succeeded. They put on the bridle and instantly felt the change in the current temperature. They laughed and danced with joy, feeling like legends themselves.

From that day on, Benny and the diplomat traveled the world, performing amazing shows and controlling the temperature wherever they went. The kids loved them and their stories spread far and wide. And that is how Benny became known as the greatest inventor and the diplomat became known as the coolest diplomat in the world.


  1. What was Benny's goal in the story?
  2. Who accompanied Benny on his journey to find the bridle?
  3. What happened when Benny and the diplomat tried to use the bridle for the first time?
  4. What did Benny and the diplomat do to break the spell on the bridle?
  5. How did Benny and the diplomat become known as legends in the end?

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