Max and Rex: The Adventures of the Transparent Pals

Once upon a time, there was a mammal named Max who loved to eat nuts for all the nutrients they provided. One day, while munching on his favorite snack, he met a reptile named Rex who was always so quiet and reserved. Max thought this was strange for such a big and powerful creature.

One day, Max finally mustered the courage to ask Rex why he was always so quiet. To his surprise, Rex replied that he was transparent! Max was confused, but then Rex explained that he had the unique ability to turn invisible whenever he wanted, which is why he always kept quiet.

Max was so amazed by this that he begged Rex to teach him how to turn transparent too. So, Rex agreed to teach Max the magic of invisibility, but only under one condition - Max had to promise to use his newfound power for good and never for mischief. Max agreed, and soon, he too was able to turn transparent just like Rex.

From that day on, Max and Rex went on many adventures together, using their powers to help others and having a lot of fun in the process. And whenever they needed to be stealthy, they would simply turn transparent and go unnoticed. The end.


  1. Why did Max think Rex was always quiet?
  2. What surprised Max when he finally talked to Rex?
  3. Why did Max want to learn how to turn transparent?
  4. What did Rex make Max promise before teaching him how to turn transparent?
  5. What kind of adventures did Max and Rex go on using their powers?

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