The Race for Equality: A Story of Civil Rights and Justice

Once upon a time, there was a small town where all the people were divided into two groups: the fast runners and the slow runners. The fast runners had all the advantages, while the slow runners were treated unfairly. One day, a slow runner named Equality decided to stand up for her rights and inspire others to join her in a race. She went all the way to the Supreme Court to argue that everyone should be allowed to run together, regardless of their speed. The judges listened carefully and agreed that segregation was wrong. They declared that from that day on, everyone would run together, and that justice and equality were more important than winning a silly race. And so, the separate races became one, and everyone learned an important lesson about civil rights and fairness. The end.


  1. Why was the town divided into two groups of runners?
  2. How did Equality feel about being treated unfairly?
  3. What did Equality do to fight for her rights?
  4. What was the outcome of the race at the Supreme Court?
  5. Why was it important for everyone to run together in the end?

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